
Scholarships impact lives in best ways possible – they help students achieve their goals and focus on important things. A connection is also crafted in the process, between communities and scholarship providers, that often doesn’t develop any further. Yet, we believe, this connection holds great potential. Read on to find out why you should consider announcing a scholarship through ScholarshipOwl, for an even greater impact and more benefits for everyone involved.

Significantly cut costs...

Our fully-automated platform lets you significantly decrease the amount of time and funds you would otherwise spend on administration regarding scholarships. Invest these funds in other worthy causes and do even more good!

...then use scholarships for smart business decisions...

We are proponents of employing scholarships in a smarter way, and transforming them into efficient HR and marketing tools. This way, over the years, the resources you save in these departments will further accumulate and propel your activities as a non-profit. Read more about the ways to utilize scholarships on our blog.

Wide array of eligibility and selection criteria

Depending on your specific needs and requirements, you can set multitude of demographic and educational parameters and narrow down the pool of applicants. This means that later on, the selection will go smoothly, without redundant or mis-matched applications.

The selection process can also be automated

In case you want a special touch of objectivity, the final draw can be performed by our state-of-the-art algorithm. The algorithm acts as a safeguard against any type of discrimination and bias, something we know is important to all of us.

Strengthen your impact and visibility

ScholarshipOwl connects your organization to our pool of 5 million students and presents you in the most favorable light – that of a scholarship provider. The marketing potential alone is worth signing-up!

We support the supporters, so our system is free for all scholarship providers

As a special incentive for all scholarship providers, and because we believe in transformative power of scholarships, Scholarship Campaign Manager is completely free for all benefactors! No hidden costs and fees, just good old helping hands in action! Use our platform to streamline the process of setting and announcing scholarships, with no risks involved!

...and create devoted communities around your cause

Presenting a scholarship to an immense number of students and, through word-of-mouth, their wider surroundings, holds a significant marketing potential and community-building power. People will hear about your organization in a favorable light (that of a scholarship provider) and learn what your organization is about, for a fraction of costs you would have invested into other marketing channels. Nothing beats this type of marketing!

The whole process is super-efficient and optimized

Scholarship Campaign Manager lets you create a profile and the wizard guides you through the rest of the process organically. The scholarships can be set in minutes instead of hours. You just need to sign up, create a profile and – voila – the wizard automatically generates the necessary documents and guides you along the way!

No need to worry about accompanying administration

We have also covered the administrative documents that accompany every scholarship, so we will provide you with templates for affidavit, privacy policy and terms of use. The templates act as stand-alone documents, but are also fully customizable, in case you need to tweak them.

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