
Dozens of useful features to simplify your task

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Direct distribution through ScholarshipOwl

Don’t know where to promote your scholarship? Post your scholarship with us and get access to over 8 million students looking for scholarships. Meet the students on the platforms where they are. Our Scholarship Campaign Manager you do that by showing your scholarship only to the relevant applicants. For example, if your scholarship is open to the New York area, ScholarshipOwl will show your program only to the students that are in New York. This algorithm is helping you get more quality from the applications.

about scholarshipowl

Customizable Application Forms (Smart forms)

Choose the information you require from students as they sign up for your scholarship. Get precisely the candidates you want.

Zapier integration

Connect your scholarship application with more than 1,000 apps through Zapier. Add your new applications to your CRM, or Tweet about them, or even send them a personalized email. You have endless possibilities to interact and communicate with the students that apply for your scholarship.

Verified applications review process

Get a clear overview of the users that are applying to your scholarship and define application evaluation criteria so you can stay in full control.

Customizable T&C

We automatically generate the terms and conditions for your scholarship so you can be compliant! You can edit the standard terms and conditions to your own application for a fully tailored scholarship experience. Add your own clauses and conditions to make the scholarship truly your own.

Applications ranking

Rank all your applications that come in based on the criteria that you define.

API Integrations

Your access to the Scholarship App API means you can connect any app you want, with a little bit of coding.

Configurable settings and permissions

You decide which member of your team has access to the scholarship management platform and to which extent to prevent unintentional bias in decisions.

Beautiful landing page templates

Don’t waste time creating your scholarship’s landing page - just use one of our templates. Choose from a range of different designs and adapt them to your own branding and design.

Streamline scholarship management

Control all the aspects of your scholarship, from the moment students apply to the moment when the scholarship is awarded.

Dedicated scholarship page

Each scholarship launched on our platform gets a dedicated page where students can apply. With every scholarship, our platform creates a page that you can share with universities, students, news outlets and any other organization where you want to publish news about your scholarship.

Export data

Transfer the data from your scholarship applications to your favorite CRM, recruitment tool or just a simple Excel sheet, among others. Don’t spend hours and days manually copying data to keep tabs on your applicants.

Automatic winner selection

The system automatically selects the winner of your scholarship - a random winner will be chosen from a pool of eligible applicants.

Automated email sequence

Automate your emails for each situation - when a student applies, when their application has been rejected, when they’ve won, etc. No more writing tedious emails one by one - your candidates are notified instantly about each action regarding their application. What’s more, we also automatically send an SMS to the students when they win.

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